Hearing Aid Maintenance
Taking the time to maintain your Hearing Aids will keep them performing at
their best for longer.
If you are having any further issues, require filters or domes, or wish to book your annual service call, please call one of our team on 0208 004 7991 or if you prefer message us below.
Despite their size, Hearing Aids hold a lot of technology, therefore it is important to keep them clean and dry to keep them performing. Some tips to help are as follows;
- Keep the Hearing Aids in a clean, dry area when you are not wearing them. Consider leaving them in a drying box overnight if you do not charge them then
- Make sure you always remove your devices prior to showering, going in a sauna, or anywhere they may be subjected to moisture
- Clean your Hearing Aid regularly with a dry cloth
- Be careful what tools you use to clean the Hearing Aids, there are specialised tools we can provide if you require a deeper clean than a cloth may provide
- If you do get moisture on the Hearing Aids avoid using a heat source that could potentially warp the materials of the Hearing Aid, give us a call and we can advise you on the best next steps
- Take care with cosmetics such as face creams, it is best to apply once the Hearing Aids are off and ensure your creams are fully absorbed before replacing so you don’t risk getting any inside the device
How to care for your Hearing Aids
How to change your wax filters and domes
You should get into the habit of changing your wax filters and domes regularly. Filters, once clogged with wax or moisture, will prevent sound from being able to travel from the Hearing Aid into your ear and can result in muffled, quieter sounds, or no sound. Keep track of how often you are doing this, some people require it more often than others, so it is a good idea to know how long your filters and domes last. At the same time as changing the filters and domes it is a good idea to give the Hearing Aids a wipe with a dry cloth as well.
For more help on how to change your domes and filters please see the videos below where Paul demonstrates a filter change for each of the manufacturers.
If you need more domes or filters please call us on 0208 004 7991.
Click below to see how to change filters for your Oticon or Bernafon Hearing Aids
Click below to see how to change filters for your Signia Hearing Aids
Click below to see how to change filters for your Phonak, Unitron or Starkey Hearing Aids
Changing your receivers on a RIC Hearing Aid
The receiver, or speaker, is the wire that carries the signal from the Hearing Aid sat behind the ear to the dome which sits within your ear. Over time these might get damaged or snapped. If this happens please let us know so we can order you a replacement.
To change the receiver first you need to remove the old receivers, they are locked in with a pin located on the hearing aid near where the receiver joins. Push the pin lock in, using a pin or similar, and the receiver should release. Look at your new receivers and line up the pins with the pins inside the hearing aid. Once these are lined up you can place the new receiver in. Lock the pin back into place and the Hearing Aid should work again.

Changing the tube or BTE Hearing Aids tube
Over time the tube from a BTE Hearing Aid to the mould sat in your ear can become dry or brittle. This will affect the sound travelling through them and affect how much you benefit from the Hearing Aids.
A new piece of tubing needs to be cut ready , you should cut one end to a point with a pair of scissors. This is then to be threaded into your
mould till you reach the bend in the tube. Once this is threaded through and cut to be flush with the mould you should then place the mould in your ear and your hearing aid on your ear as though you are wearing it, mark where the two meet with a little overlap. Take the mould out of your ear and cut along the mark you made. This end can now be reattached to your hearing aid.
Still having issues?
If you are still having problems with your Hearing Aids after you have cleaned them and changed the filters it may be consider whether the cause is any of the following;
- Needing a new battery – even if you have recently changed your battery, try again with a battery from a new pack.
- Lost phone connection – does your app show the Hearing Aids as connected? If not email us and we can send you detailed instructions on re-establishing a connection with your phone. Remember to tell us your phones make and model.
- Wax Build-up within the ear – have you recently had your ears checked for wax? It might be time to book a procedure with one of our Qualified Audiologists
If these solutions do not help then call 0208 004 7991 or email us on info@richmondhearing.co.uk for further advice.

At Richmond Hearing we have a team of dedicated audiologists who are members of the Health & Care Professions Council and The British Society Of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA).